Arthur Charlesworth
Ph.D., Duke University
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Richmond, VA 23173
concise Curriculum Vitae
Poster for Fall 2025 CMSC101 AI and the Human Mind
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Correct time, from NIST
Andrej Karparthy YouTube channel
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Stanford's Robert Pogue Harrison and his "Entitled Opinions" podcast
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CMSC 101 AI and the Human Mind
CMSC 150 Introduction to Computing
CMSC 221 Data Structures
CMSC 222 Discrete Structures for Computing
CMSC 322 Software Engineering Practicum
CMSC 323 Design and Implementation of Programming Languages
CMSC 327 Machine Learning
CMSC 330 Theory of Computation
CMSC 331 Introduction to Compiler Construction
CMSC 333 Parallel Programming
Potential Courses
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