Arthur Charlesworth

Professional Biography

Upon graduation from Stetson University, my professional life began as a member of a General Electric team trying to estimate and improve the statistical reliability of the Apollo missions. Despite my role in the project, two years later Neil Armstrong bravely took his "one small step". My Ph.D. in set-theoretic topology was directed by Richard E. Hodel of Duke University, where I also obtained a background in mathematical logic under Joseph R. Shoenfield. My M.S. thesis at the University of Virginia, directed by Paul F. Reynolds, Jr., proposed new language support for parallel computing.

Except for one-year as a visiting faculty member at the University of Virgina's Institute for Parallel Computation, since 1976 I've been on the faculty of the University of Richmond. The focus of Richmond's academic program is on our undergraduates. It's constantly exciting to explore lasting truths in computer science and math with my conscientious students, inside and outside the classroom, and with my talented, friendly, and dedicated faculty colleagues.


Articles in refereed journals of scholarly societies:
  • David Landy, Arthur Charlesworth, and Erin Ottmar, Categories of Large Numbers in Line Estimation, Cognitive Science (journal of the Cognitive Science Society), Vol. 41, Issue 2, March 2017, 326-353.
  • Arthur Charlesworth, A Theorem About Computationalism and "Absolute" Truth, Minds and Machines (journal affiliated with Society for Machines and Mentality); Sep. 2016, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp. 205 - 226. DOI: 10.1007/s11023-015-9382-x. ACM Computing Review, June 2, 2017. Selected by ACM Computing Reviews for "21st Annual Best of Computing: Notable Books and Articles" (according to independent investigation by a grants director, fewer than 1 per 400 published computing articles were selected that year).
  • Arthur Charlesworth, The Comprehensibility Theorem and the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Minds and Machines, Volume 24, Issue 4, November 2014, pp. 439-476. DOI: 10.1007/s11023-014-9349-3. ACM Computing Review, May 26, 2015. Selected by ACM Computing Reviews for "19th Annual Best of Computing: Notable Books and Articles" (according to independent investigation by a grants director, fewer than 1 per 1000 published computing articles were selected that year).
  • Arthur Charlesworth, Comprehending Software Correctness Implies Comprehending an Intelligence-Related Limitation, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Transactions on Computational Logic, Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2006, pp. 590-612
  • Arthur Charlesworth, The Undecidability of Associativity and Commutativity Analysis , ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Volume 24, Issue 5, September 2002, pp. 554-565
  • Arthur Charlesworth, The Multiway Rendezvous, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Volume 9, Issue 3, July 1987, pp. 350-366
  • Arthur Charlesworth, On the Cardinality of a Topological Space, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 66, Number 1, September 1977, pp. 138-142
  • Arthur Charlesworth, A Proof of Godel's Theorem in Terms of Computer Programs , Mathematical Association of America's Mathematics Magazine, Volume 54, Number 3, May 1981, pp. 109-121
  • Arthur Charlesworth, Infinite Loops in Computer Programs, Mathematical Association of America's Mathematics Magazine, Volume 52, Number 5, November 1979, pp. 284-291
  • Arthur Charlesworth, Polynomials and Infinite Subfields, Mathematical Association of America's American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 84, Number 7, August-September 1977, pp. 548-550
  • Arthur Charlesworth, A Note on Urysohn's Metrization Theorem, Mathematical Association of America's American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 83, Number 9, November 1976, pp. 718-720
  • Arthur Charlesworth, Infinite Cardinal Functions which are Minimal on Metrizable Spaces, Croatian Mathematical Society's Glasnik Matematicki, Vol. 11(31), pp. 113-129, 1976.
  • A. T. Charlesworth, R. E. Hodel, and F. D. Tall, On a Theorem of Jones and Heath Concerning Separable Normal Spaces , Polish Academy of Science's Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 33-37, 1975.
  • Other publications accessible via the internet:
  • Arthur Charlesworth, Neural Networking (letter), American Scientist, journal of the Scientific Research Society, Volume 102, Number 5, September - October 2014, pp. 323-324 DOI: 10.1511/2014.110.324
  • David Landy, Arthur Charlesworth, and Erin Ottmar, Cutting in Line: Discontinuities in the use of Large Numbers in Adults, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, July 2014, pp. 815-820.
  • Arthur Charlesworth, Infinite Loops in Computer Programs , in the anthology Mathematics: People, Problems, Results, Volume 3 Computer Science, edited by Douglas M. Campbell and John C. Higgins, 1984.

    Commentary mentioning the above research includes:
  • Related to construction of a framework supporting a general version of Godel's Theorem: Can't Decide? Undecide!, by Chaim Goodman-Strauss, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, March 2010; see p. 354.
  • Related to parallel computing research: Nanotechnology: wherein molecular computers control tiny circulatory submarines, by A. K. Dewdney, Scientific American, January 1988; see p. 103.

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