A Unifying Construction for Difference Sets
- Introduction to difference sets
- Introductory definitions and examples
- Relative difference sets definitions and examples
- Tools
- Group Ring viewpoint
- Character Theoretic viewpoint
- Introduction to BSs and EBSs
- (16,6,2) as a covering extended building set (EBS)
- (16,6,2) as an EBS
- (2,2,4,-) EBS, cont.
- (2,2,4,-) EBS, cont.
- (q,q,q+2,-) EBS
- (4,2,4,2) as a building set (BS)
- (4,2,4,2) as a building set,
- (2,2,2) BS, cont.,
- (q,q,q) BS
- General definitions, Theorems related to BSs, EBSs
- Two families of covering EBSs, Lifting
- Arasu-Sehgal story
- Stumbled on new family
- McFarland q=4 story
- Difference sets, EBSs.
- How to get the BSs?
- Explicit lifting example: (8,4,2) -> (32,16,8)
- Harder quotient example, general quotient principles
- Setting up the recursion for one family of BSs
- A modification to illustrate wide range of possibilities
- Other applications of ideas
- RDSs in nonprime powers
- Square root problem
- Another RDS in nonprime power
- Open questions List