Coding Theory, Spring 2000
Syllabus: syllabus
Work for 1/11/00: The
game of SETS
Work for 1/13/00: Error
detection in the marketplace
- Description
of project
Homework assignments
Nice Coding Theory Links
Ideas for projects
Tips for effective presentations
Define all unfamiliar terms
Be sure to prove something
Practice the talk by yourself, in front of a few trusted friends
Organize the content with the audience in mind
If using overhead transparencies,
Make them legible!
Each transparency should have at most two ideas
Use as few words as you can, as many pictures as you can
Don't overuse colors, but do make effective use of them
If using the blackboard, practice this (writing on a board is often more
difficult than you would expect)
Look at the audience when you speak
Be enthusiastic!
No perfect (90,2^78,5) code (two chapter 9 arguments)
MOLS of order 10 (MG)
BCH codes
Reed-Muller codes (DL)
Use of the fast Fourrier transform in decoding RM
codes (taken) (SS)
MacWilliams identity and applications
Reed-Solomon codes and applications
Codes over Z_4 (Nordstrom-Robinson code) (taken)
Computer searches for good codes
Game theory applied to codes (taken)
Assmus-Mattson theorem relating designs and codes
(taken) (SM)
Gilbert-Varshamov bound
Griesmer bound
Cyclic Redundancy codes
Quadratic Residue codes (TK)
Algebraic Geometry codes (taken) (MA)
Hadamard matrices (MK)
Huffman codes and VCR codes (taken) (FC)
Shannon's information theory (EB)